addicted to improving my health through alkaline water and organic vegetables, but I can't always afford it.

Miracle Healing Water

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Energy Boost Breakfast

Okay, it may not sound like the best way to start the day but for me, it's Perfect!

In my 20 year old (nothing fancy) blender I mix:

1 cup frozen Dark Cherries
1 fresh Banana (for sweetness)
1 cup of fresh organic spinach
1/2 cup of vanilla Almond Breeze
1/2 a cup of 9.5 ph Kangen water
1 tablespoon of fresh ginger (if available)
1 serving of powdered green drink Superfood (I'm using Trader Joe's "Super Green" this month)
1 scoop Pure Protein French Vanilla protein powder (optional)
1/2 cup of ice (optional)

Sometimes I substitute plain greek yogurt for the almond milk, and squeeze a little lemon over the whole thing to activate all the flavor!

It makes one serving and provides a days worth of fruits, veggies and protein.
Plus, it's delicious!

Alternate ingredients

I've tried all of these. Some are more expensive than others, some have more ingredients.

But for taste, ingredients and price, I've found this to work just as well for now...


after I add the almond milk, ginger and fruit, then I add a 1/2 cup of 9.5 water directly to my blender, top that off with the superfood powder, spinach, BLEND, and Drink up!

good to the last drop!

1 comment:

  1. I've been adding a bit of egg whites to my smoothie for added protein
